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[For VSGN Institutes and Affiliates] Satir News Flash

페이지 정보

작성자 KSTA 작성일15-08-03 19:12 조회18,392회 댓글0건



Understanding and clarity,
not agreement,
is what's important to a dialogue.

           Virginia Satir

We would like to applaud the amazing contributions by Dr. Young Ae Kim for furthering the teachings of Virginia Satir.

Dr. Young Ae Kim

Dr. Kim has been the Director of Korea Satir Institute since 2003 and President of the Korea Satir Transformational systemic Therapy Association since 2011.  Here are just some of her publications:

  • Satir’s Parenting Skills, 2nd ed. (2015)

  • Satir’s Iceberg Communication Skills, 4th ed. (2015)

  • The Satir Model:Essentials and Applications(2014)

  • An Integrative Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy:Theory and Practice (2011)

  • An Integrative Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy:Application (2011)

  • Personality Psychology for Self-Growth (2002)

And she has translated seven major works into Korean, including the Satir Model!

We invite you to see her video expressing her appreciation of Virginia at the 100,000 Satir Heart Connections Campaign website, www.gofundme.com/satirglobalnetwork. 



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